Illuminate & Appreciate Garden
(names are sorted by last name)
A - Gh
Flavia S. Abele- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Faculty of Aberdeen Elementary Preschool
Faculty of Aberdeen Elementary School
Crystal A. Adams- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Kelley Adams- Episcopal Day School
Paula Alonso- The O'Neal School
Kelly Altman- Sandhills Children's Center
Julia Ambersley- The O'Neal School
Angel Eyes Home Day Care
Yazmin Aponte- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Emily Arnsberg- The O'Neal School
Diane Atherton, Partners for Children & Families
Faculty of Aunt Sandi's Learning Center
Maureen Avendutti- The Care Group
Wanda Banks- Episcopal Day School
Ridge Barnes- Sandhills Children's Center
Veronica Barrett- Sowing Seeds Child Development Center
Jen Barton- Episcopal Day School
Jordan Bates- The O'Neal School
Kim Bayne- Little Pines Academy
Linda Bears- Sandhills Children's Center
Dr. Cherry Beasley- UNC Pembroke
Casey Bellman- Little Pines Academy
Amanda Belton- Episcopal Day School
Suzanne Bennett- Episcopal Day School
Amber Bertagnole- The O'Neal School
Kristen Best- Sandhills Children's Center
Marissa Lynn Billingsley- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Belle Bingham- Little Pines Academy
Christine Birdsall- The O'Neal School
Kirsten Blair- The O'Neal School
Courtney Blocklinger- The O'Neal School
Susie Boals- Episcopal Day School
Faculty of Bobbi's Child Care Center
Donna S. Boone- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Cristie Bosma- The O'Neal School
Brittany Bowen- Vass-Lakeview Childcare
Anna Bowers- Country Kids Preschool & Childcare
Samantha Jo Boyd- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Katie Bradford- Episcopal Day School
Regina Brewer- Magic Years Child Care Center
Sara Britt- Hope Academy
Angela Brown- Lisa's Lovable Learning Daycare
Robert Brown- Emmanual Episcopal Church
Cynthia Brown Watkins- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Nancy Bryant- The Care Group
Kim Bullard- Sandhills Children's Center
Faculty of Bundles of Joy Family Child Care Home
Kristine Burroughs- Little Pines Academy
Tamara Shevron Burwell- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Amberlie Byloff- Sandhills Children's Center
Donna Caddell Thompson- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Lyn Cagle- The O'Neal School
Lauren Callahan- The O'Neal School
Faculty of Calvary Christian Day Care
Nicole Camastra- The O'Neal School
Sydni Cameron- Vass-Lakeview Childcare
Faculty of Cameron Elementary School
Christyanna Campbell- Christ Way Deliverance Preschool
Caitlin Campbell- Sandhills Children's Center
Naye Campuzano- Hope Academy
Pamela Elizabeth Carey- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Cindy Carey- St. John Paul II Catholic School
Faculty of Caring Cuddles Child Care
Cynthia Carrick- The O'Neal School
Leslie Carson, Partners for Children & Families
Faculty of Carthage Elementary Preschool
Faculty of Carthage Elementary School
Kinverli Leana Casimiro- Anna's Little Angels Childcare Center
Laren Castelloe- Sandhills Classical Christian School
Faculty of Caterpillar Learning Academy
Lisa Chavis- Lisa's Lovable Learning Daycare
Candice Choudry- Shining Stars Child Development Center
Faculty of Christian Child Development Center
Hailee Clark- Shining Stars Child Development Center
Sue Clay- Country Kids Preschool & Childcare
Christine Clay- The O'Neal School
Cassie Cloninger- The O'Neal School
Alison Coates- The O'Neal School
Lynett Shecanna Collins- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Courtney Collins- Sowing Seeds Child Development Center
Faculty of Community Learning Center at Pinckney
Faculty of Connect Academy
Susan Cooper- Sandhills Children's Center
Jenell Copeland- The O'Neal School
Tracy Corbett- Episcopal Day School
Ashleigh Corsino- Episcopal Day School
Faculty of Crain’s Creek Middle School
Cynthia Creque- Episcopal Day School
Tania Cress- My Little World Family Child Care Home
Sharie Critchlow- Sandhills Children's Center
Elizabeth P. Crouch- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Faculty of Cuddly Koala Care
Brooke Cutler- The O'Neal School
Mary L. Davis- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Danica Davis- Magic Years Child Care Center
Emily Davison- The O'Neal School
Maria Decavi- Little Pines Academy
Jo Decker- Sandhills Children's Center
MaKayla Delapaz- Sandhills Children's Center
Beverlee Dickey- Sandhills Children's Center
Eliza Diggs- Vass-Lakeview Childcare
Judith Douglas- The Care Group
Rhonda Dowdy- Christ Way Deliverance Preschool
Samantha Dreyer- The First Steps Child Care
Lexie Driscoll- Sandhills Children's Center
Faculty of D's Angels Learning Center
Audra Duckworth- Sandhills Children's Center
Amanda Duffy- The O'Neal School
Lauren Dull- Sandhills Children's Center
Ellen Duncan- Moore County Schools
Doris E. Dunn- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Faculty of Elise Middle School
Elizabeth Elliott- Lisa's Lovable Learning Daycare
Jennifer Elliott Miller- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Katie Enos- Moore County Schools
Jacqui Enslin- The O'Neal School
Shakira Everhart, Partners for Children & Families
Sharron Ewings- Christ Way Deliverance Preschool
Noemi Fairley- Tasha's Caring & Sharing
Britt Faison- Sandhills Children's Center
Faculty of Faith's Small Day Care Home
Jazmine Faulk- Vass-Lakeview Childcare
Jill Faxon- The O'Neal School
Dr. Homer Ferguson- Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Najee Fitzgerald- The O'Neal School
Jessica Floyd- Sandhills Children's Center
Karina Franco- Lisa's Lovable Learning Center
Sarah Freeman- The O'Neal School
Robin Lynne Frye – Voice & Piano Instruction
Amanda Fuerch- Vass-Lakeview Childcare
Faculty of Future Promises Child Care Center
Tina Galbreith Harris- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Lorena Garcia Rivera- Sandhills Children's Center
Ella Garner- Sandhills Children's Center
Beth Garrison- The O'Neal School
Sarah Garry- Episcopal Day School
Jan Gatti- Episcopal Day School
Owen Gemmer- The O'Neal School
Tammy Genthe- Sandhills Children's Center
Lisa Gessner- Episcopal Day School
Gi - M
Alivia Gibson- Sowing Seeds Child Development Center
Gloria Gillis- Vass-Lakeview Childcare
Francis W. Gilmore- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Natasha Gilmore- Tasha's Caring & Sharing
Lynn Goins- Hope Academy
Cynthia Marie Gomes- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Ralph Gore- Christ Way Deliverance Preschool
Abria Grant- Lisa's Lovable Learning Daycare
Michelle Gray- Hope Academy
Elaine Autumn Green- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Veria Green- Sandhills Children's Center
Margaret Grigsby- Sandhills Children's Center
Ashley N. Groce- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Alita Hamilton- Sowing Seeds Child Development Center
Alara Hamilton- Sowing Seeds Child Development Center
Kylla Hamilton- Sowing Seeds Child Development Center
Andrea Hanlon- Moore County Schools
Phoenix Harmon- Sowing Seeds Child Development Center
Elizabeth Harrington- Lisa's Lovable Learning Daycare
Estella Hayes- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Maria Gemma Heimbuecher- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Faculty of Helen's Day Care
Ashley Helms- The O'Neal School
Lindsey Hemphill- Sandhills Children's Center
Casey Henderson- Episcopal Day School
Maritza Hernandez- Hope Academy
Jackie Velazquez- Hope Academy
Faculty of Highfalls Elementary School (K-8)
Ashley Hildreth- Sandhills Children's Center
LaTearra Hill- Sandhills Children's Center
Kathleen Erin Hirschey- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Katie Hoffert- Little Pines Academy
Will Holliday- Sandhills Children's Center
Laura Hope- Country Kids Preschool & Childcare
Sarah Hopkins- Episcopal Day School
Maxine Howe- Lisa's Lovable Learning Center
Faculty of Janie's Playhouse Day Care
Faculty of Jessie's Little Blessings
Cardella Johnson- Christ Way Deliverance Preschool
Paige Johnson- Christ Way Deliverance Preschool
Sonya Johnson- Christ Way Deliverance Preschool
Benaldine H. Johnson- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Tayana Johnson- Tasha's Caring & Sharing
Torie Jones- Sandhills Children's Center
Tammy Jones
Lakresha Jones- The O'Neal School
Kyle Kegl- The O'Neal School
Faculty of Kelli's Family Day Care Home
Tia Kennedy- Shining Stars Child Development Center
Faculty of Kiddie Korner
Faculty of Kids Kastle Childcare
Kayanna King- Country Kids Preschool & Childcare
Elaine King- Episcopal Day School
Peggy King- The O'Neal School
Kate Knieves- Vass-Lakeview Childcare
Angela Koski- Shining Stars Child Development Center
Faculty of Kountry Kids Family Child Care Home
Irene Kramsky- Deerfield High School, IL
Kristen Kuhn- Little Pines Academy
Debra Lambert- Magic Years Child Care Center
Patricia Lamberti- Sandhills Children's Center
April Lamie- The O'Neal School
Betty Lawon- Country Kids Preschool & Childcare
Faculty of Learn, Grow, Play Child Care
Linda Lemay- Manchester, NH
Faculty of Lil's Child Care Center
James Lindsey- Shining Stars Child Development Center
Jermonica Lindsey- Shining Stars Child Development Center
Faculty of Little Miracles Day Care Center
Faculty of Little Teapot Childcare Center
Niya Locklear- Sandhills Children's Center
Patty Lopez- The Care Group
Rebecca Lopez-Gonzalez- Sandhills Children's Center
David Lussier- The O'Neal School
Heather Lussier- The Care Group
Brittany Luttrell- Episcopal Day School
Faculty of Luv-A-Kid Motessori Learning Center
Anna Lyles- Anna's Little Angels Childcare Center
Kyle Lykes- Shining Stars Development Center
Kimberly D. Macivor- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Ashleigh Mann- Episcopal Day School
Tracie Marino- The O'Neal School
Catherine Marsh- Christ Way Deliverance Preschool
Latisha Marsh- Sowing Seeds Child Development Center
Alexis Martin- Sandhills Children's Center
Kim McAllister- Little Pines Academy
Mecca McCrae- Sowing Seeds Child Development Center
Emily McCreery- Sandhills Classical Christian School
Faculty of McDeed's Creek Elementary Preschool
Faculty of McDeeds Creek Elementary School
Maleka Mcdermott- Anna's Little Angels Childcare Center
Christine McDevitt- Vass-Lakeview Childcare
Rica McDonald- Shining Stars Child Development Center
Judy McDonald- The O'Neal School
Satoko McDowell- Little Pines Academy
Clara J. Mciver- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Keren F. McKenzie- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Katie McKenzie- Sandhills Classical Christian School
Marcie Raye McLaurin- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Carolyn McLean- Sandhills Children's Center
Cynthia McLean- The Care Group
Jessica McLeod- Vass-Lakeview Childcare
Laura McLester- Episcopal Day School
Demetrius McMillan- Sandhills Children's Center
Shazaria McNeill- Lisa's Lovable Learning Daycare
Octavia McNeill- Lisa's Lovable Learning Daycare
Bailey McNeill- Magic Years Child Care Center
Lorraine McQueen- Shining Stars Child Development Center
Duressia Rose McRae- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Sherika Medley- Tasha's Caring & Sharing
Heather Medlin- Sandhills Children's Center
Heidi Meissel- The O'Neal School
Donna Lynne Melton- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Martha A. Messier- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Aslynn Millen- Little Pines Academy
Steve Millender- Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Chris Miller- The O'Neal School
Brittany Mills- Christ Way Deliverance Preschool
Lisa Mills- Sandhills Children's Center
Bria Monroe- Sandhills Children's Center
Melanie Mae Monroe- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Alexis Moore- Sandhills Children's Center
Mary "Bella" Moore- Sandhills Children's Center
Angela Moore- The O'Neal School
Maureen Morales- The O'Neal School
Veronic Serena Morman- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Yvonne Morrison- Shining Stars Child Development Center
Celeste Morton
Faculty of Ms. B's Play and Learn
Faculty of Ms. Gayle's Day Care
Erica M. Mumm- Sandhills Children's Center
Sonya Murdock- Episcopal Day School
Melissa Murphy- Little Pines Academy
N - Z
Faculty of Nette's Fun Care Small Day Care Home
Faculty of New Century Middle School
Erin Newcomb- Sandhills Children's Center
Bridget Ann Newton- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Lucy Noble- Episcopal Day School
Faculty of North Moore High School
Faculty of Oasis Kidz
Jeanie Ollis- Christ Way Deliverance Preschool
Faculty of Open Arms Daycare
Gabe Ormsby- Sowing Seeds Child Development Center
Allison Paniccia- The O'Neal School
Michelle Parks- The O'Neal School
Tiffany Rodriguez- Hope Academy
Amira Pavlovich- The O'Neal School
Kim Perez- Lisa's Lovable Learning Daycare
Nicole Peschken- Sandhills Classical Christian School
Kristy Pfeiffer- Episcopal Day School
Tiffany Pfeiffer- Episcopal Day School
Cathy Pierce- Sandhills Children's Center
Faculty of Pinecrest High School
Faculty of Pinehurst Elementary School
Faculty of Pinehurst Elementary School Finny's Minis
Julie Pitts, Partners for Children & Families
Elizabeth Plotner- Little Pines Academy
Gwyneth Pollard- Sandhills Children's Center
Earle Poole- The O'Neal School
Diane Potter- Sowing Seeds Child Development Center
Cynthia Pounders- Sandhills Children's Center
Dometha Powell- Lisa's Lovable Learning Daycare
Breanna Prevatte- Sandhills Children's Center
Faculty of Pumpkin Patch Day Care
Heather Rabon- The O'Neal School
Christie Rains- The O'Neal School
Brianna Ramos- The O'Neal School
Mona L. Ratliff- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Karesha Lasha Richardson- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Suzanne Riggs- Sandhills Children's Center
Jenifer Risseler- Episcopal Day School
Kerry Ritter- Sandhills Children's Center
Faculty of Robbins Elementary Preschool
Faculty of Robbins Elementary School
Te'Asia Robinson- Shining Stars Child Development Center
Catherine Rodriguez- The O'Neal School
Shannon L. Rogers- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Craig Rogers- The O'Neal School
Dedrick Rose- Dominion Christian Academy
Gabrielle C. Ross- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Lori Rothenberger- Sandhills Children's Center
Angie Rouse- Shining Stars Child Development Center
Faculty of Row's Sweet Tots
Clare Ruggles- Hope Academy
Brittany Russell- Shining Stars Child Development Center
Canyn Russell- Episcopal Day School
Kathryn Sabata- Episcopal Day School
Elizabeth Sager- The O'Neal School
Olivia Salgado Soriano- Hope Academy
Faculty of Sandhills Farm Life
Faculty of Save the Children Aberdeen Head Start Academy
Faculty of Save the Children Southern Pines Head Start Academy
Jennifer Schmitz- The O'Neal School
Emily Schwerin- Episcopal Day School
Cathy Sesta- Sandhills Children's Center
Jami Sitzler- Episcopal Day School
Amy Smith- Episcopal Day School
Staci Smith- The O'Neal School
Krystle Smith Brown- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Deborah Smith Solomon- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Faculty of Sonlight Child Care Center
Faculty of Southern Middle School
Faculty of Southern Pines Academy
Faculty of Southern Pines Elementary Preschool
Faculty of Southern Pines Elementary School
Alyse Spearman- Hope Academy
Chloe Spencer- Little Pines Academy
Oliver Spivey- Sandhills Classical Christian School
Camille Starr- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Kathie Stewart Kelley- Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Sharon T. Stone- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Stephanie Maria Sullivan- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Paige Sumner- Episcopal Day School
Faculty of Sunshine Learning Center of the Sandhills
Nital Sutton- The O'Neal School
Arianna Tarvis- Sandhills Children's Center
Faculty of The Children's Courtyard
Kylie Thomas- Lisa's Lovable Learning Center
Melody D. Thomas- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Amanda Thomas- The O'Neal School
Debra Tongambou- My Little World Family Child Care Home
Heather Torrence- Sandhills Children's Center
Amber Townsend- Sandhills Children's Center
Jessica Townsend- Sandhills Children's Center
Mary Ann Townsend- Sandhills Children's Center
Tara Crystal Troublefield- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Jodi Lynne Turner- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Taylor Leigh Tysinger- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Jackie W. Tyson- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Rachel Lauren Tyson- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Faculty of Union Pines High School
Melissa Vaswani- The O'Neal School
Alba Vecchiettini- The O'Neal School
Penny Vest- The O'Neal School
Ellen Vidovich- Episcopal Day School
Lindsey Von Dohlen- The O'Neal School
Rebecca Waggy- Episcopal Day School
Angel Wall- Tasha's Caring & Sharing
Nicole Wallace- The O'Neal School
Carmen Ward- Sandhills Children's Center
Johnny Ward- Sandhills Children's Center
Amber Ward- The O'Neal School
Shanga Ware- Sowing Seeds Child Development Center
Joni Warner- The O'Neal School
Maggie Watkins- The O'Neal School
Faculty of West End Elementary Preschool
Faculty of West End Elementary School
Faculty of West Pine Elementary School
Faculty of West Pine Middle School
Faculty of Westmoore Elementary Preschool
Faculty of Westmoore Elementary School
Renee Wicker- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Woody Wilder- The O'Neal School
Maureen Shea Williams- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Wendy Williams Chavis- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Judy Williamson- Sandhills Children's Center
Cynthia Elena Williamson- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Dave Williamson- The O'Neal School
Nancy Williamson- The O'Neal School
Katie Wilson- The Care Group
Adrienne Wood- Sandhills Children's Center
Tiffany Wood- The O'Neal School
Lisa Woodell Hickman- FirstHealth Child Development Center
Dannielle Woosley- Little Pines Academy
Danielle Worley- The O'Neal School
Elizabeth Wright- Vass-Lakeview Childcare
Krystal Yow- Sandhills Children's Center
Jeanne Patricia Yuengling- FirstHealth Child Development Center